Therapist Workshop Series
We are excited to bring back our series of online workshops, to provide evidencebased information and practical strategies for therapists, therapy assistants orstudents working with children and their families. We will be hosting twonetworking events for workshop participants to meet presenters and othertherapists, reflect on your learnings and build a professional support network. Please see […]
Why say no when the answer could be yes? Article from The West Australian
Published in The West Australian 4.1.2024
Trauma Post Bushfires
Our director Kate Keisler spoke on ABC Radio with Michael Tetlow on the topic of trauma post bushfires for children. Check out the recording of this segment below!
Dysphagia and Mealtime Management Plans
Swallowing involves coordinating and moving twenty-two muscle groups. What is dysphagia? Dysphagia is a term used to describe difficulties with the following; The difficulty in coordinating the muscles and the movement can result in malnutrition, dehydration, aspiration pneumonia (chest infections) and choking. There are many factors and conditions which can lead to a child experiencing […]
Engine Program
How does your engine run? – Alert Program Adjusting a car’s engine speed helps us to safely and appropriately navigate the world around us. Just think, when our car engine is at its optimal level, we are able to travel to and from destinations safely and prevent passengers and pedestrians from getting hurt. But what […]
Taking a look at the evidence behind therapy camps
Here is a brief overview of the papers that we found on camps: Kinnealey, M., Koenig, K., & Heucker, G. (1999). Changes in special needs children following intensive short-term intervention. Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, (3), 85-103. 292144483_Changes_in_special_needs_ children_following_intensive_short-term_intervention This was a study of Camp Avanti in the USA Research Design: Quasi-experimental […]
Creative minds group is a safe space to connect with like-minded peers to explore social and emotional skills through art and creativity.
Sense Rugby
It is a program run during the school term in collaboration with Rugby WA Clubs. Each groups is supported by an Occupational Therapist, Rugby Coach and helpers.
Creative minds group is a safe space to connect with like-minded peers to explore social and emotional skills through art and creativity.
Sense Rugby
It is a program run during the school term in collaboration with Rugby WA Clubs. Each groups is supported by an Occupational Therapist, Rugby Coach and helpers.