Therapy Camps

At Calm and Connected we provide numerous services to support the development of social skills, emotional regulation and motor skills.

We have developed these services by request from families who are seeking support for their children.

We focus on building the skills of children and parents so that they can thrive across home and school.


Our Camps



Camp Confidence is available for 8-11 year old children and provides them a fun and supportive environment to enjoy the camp experience while meeting their therapeutic goals.



Our ‘girls only’ therapy intensives are available for 11-13 year old girls, where we get to talk and do girly stuff, with the focus on building friendships and emotional resilience.



Our camping adventures for 11-13 year old boys are a great opportunity to develop social, motor and emotional skills whilst having fun and also being supported.



Our Adventures Camps for 12-16 years old children are a great opportunity to develop social, motor and emotional skills for those children who love being active and outdoors.

Additional Information


What funding options are available to assist my child in attending Calm and Connected’s Therapy Intensive programs? Calm and Connected is a registered provider with:
Private Health Cover – you may be able to claim for therapy sessions from your private health insurance. This would include an Initial Individual Consultation (pre-screening session) and four group therapy sessions. Give your provider a call to find out how much of a rebate you are eligible for. Please inform our team if you are using your Private Health Cover to fund camp so that we can include the appropriate item numbers on your invoice.
NDIS – we are a registered provider for NDIS. Please contact us to set up a service agreement or quote for your plan. Self managed families are also able to use their funding for our Therapy Camps.
Variety Funding – you may submit an individual application to receive funding Barrows Foundation;
CLP Grant – if your child has a diagnosis you may be eligible to apply for this grant, our therapists are happy to provide any extra details to support your application
Local Council Grants - a number of local councils have grants for individuals. Give the grants team in your local council a call to find out what might be on offer.
Lions and Rotary – There numerous Rotary and Lions clubs across WA that support individuals to attend personal development opportunities. Write or call your local club to see if they can support you.
Private fundraising – if you are doing any private fundraising for your child to attend camp then please let us know so we can discuss how we can support you!
Please let us know if you need any extra details to support your applications. If you know of other funding options for families please let us know!


COVID Precautions:
We will ensure there is plenty of soap and hand sanitiser on camp, and ensure that all children and adults are using this regularly, including before handling any food. Staff will use anti-bacterial spray to wipe all surfaces before and after each activity. Masks are not compulsory but children and staff on camp are welcome to wear these if they would like.
We apologise for the need to enforce our cancellation charges and hope that you understand that we need them in place in order for us to go ahead with running camps this year. We need to pay for all our activities, accommodation etc in advance so we need to ensure that places are accounted for. If you do not agree with the process we have in place please let us know so that we have ample time to offer the opportunity to another child.
COVID on Camp:
If a child displays cold and flu - like symptoms on camp, they will need to complete a RAT or PCR test. It isn’t nice being away on camp unwell so, as per previous years, if your child is unwell we will let you know immediately, and we will make a plan for what to do next.
Please do not send your child to camp if they have any cold or flu - like symptoms. If your child is over 12 years of age, and are able to, they can complete their own RAT on camp (these are not supplied so your child would need to pack some in this case) and one of our staff members will supervise to support with following the steps (staff cannot administer the test). If your child is under 12 and/or unable to do their own RAT test, a caregiver must complete this for them.
If your child tests positive for COVID, they will be required to go home. Until a caregiver is able to pick them up, we will need to ensure they wear a mask, and all others who come into contact wear a mask. They will be asked to remain outside away from the main areas, or inside in a dorm or room if there is one unoccupied/ they would prefer to be indoors. We will supply some activities to do at this time, but the child cannot participate in any group activities or have any contact with other campers or staff members. Your child will still be supervised during this time. We ask if you could pick your child up within 2 hours, or as soon as possible after testing positive to prevent them being isolated on camp for too long and getting bored!


Please see our Frequently Asked Questions which is regularly updated for more information