Pre Kindy Group

This group is all about helping your pre-kindy or kindy-aged child feel ready and confident for the start of school. We’ll work on skills like fine and gross motor activities, getting comfortable in group settings, and handling transitions between activities. Parents will also get practical tips and strategies to help with regulation and settling into new routines. It’s a fun, supportive way to make the big step into school easier for both kids and parents! Each week a different theme of school readiness is explored such as getting ready for school, separation anxiety, lunch box ideas and more.

Goals of the group:



Additional information

Pre Kindy Group

Location: Calm and Connected HQ at 19 Erade Drive, Piara Waters
Time: TBC
Dates: January 2026
Age range: 2-5 year olds
Who is running the group: TBC
Total cost: TBC