If you find yourself needing urgent support, or in the event of an emergency please contact immediately:
Carers Australia Counselling Line
1800 007 332
Suicide Call Back Service (24/7 service)
1300 659 467
GP Helpline (24/7 service)
1800 022 222
SANE Mental Illness Helpline
1800 187 263
Sexual Assault Resource Centre (24/7 service)
1800 199 888
Parenting WA Line (24/7 service)
1800 654 432
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline
1800 000 599 or (08) 9223 1199
1800 111 546 (country areas) or (08) 9368 9368 Mon–Sun: 8am – 8pm
Parent and Family Drug Support Line
1800 653 203 (country areas) or (08) 9442 5050
(08) 9300 1022 Mon–Fri: 9am – 5pm. Counselling for children: (08) 6444 7684 Mon–Fri: 9am – 5pm
Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC)
1800 199 888 or (08) 6458 1828
Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline
1800 007 339 or (08) 9223 1188
Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness tool (P-CEP)
The P-CEP tool from the University of Sydney helps individuals with disabilities, their families, and carers create personalised emergency plans. It provides resources and guidance for effective, disability-inclusive emergency planning, tailored to your specific needs.
Scroll down to find the P-CEP ‘workbook’.
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Many children have difficulty with everyday skills such as listening, sitting still, staying focused, or joining in with others.
The Therapists at Calm and Connected provide mobile, clinic & online support to the adults surrounding a child and teach the child how to address the foundational skills that affect our ability to connect.
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