Here is a brief overview of the papers that we found on camps:

Kinnealey, M., Koenig, K., & Heucker, G. (1999). Changes in special needs children following intensive short-term intervention.  Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, (3), 85-103.   292144483_Changes_in_special_needs_ children_following_intensive_short-term_intervention

This was a study of Camp Avanti in the USA


Stackhouse, T., Burke, H., Lane, S., Hui, C., Burke, L., Osten, B., & Hacker, C. (2020). Effectiveness of an intensive occupational therapy camp for children, American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo, Boston, 26-29th March

This was a study on Camp Jabiru in NSW


Walker, A., Barry, D., & Bader, H. (2010). Therapist and parent ratings of changes in adaptive social skills following a summer treatment camp for children with autism spectrum disorders: A preliminary study. Child & Youth Care Forum, 39(5), 305–322.


Koegel, L., Glugatch, L., Koegel, R., & Castellon, F. (2019). Targeting IEP social goals for children with autism in an inclusive summer camp. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49(6), 2426-2436.  doi:


Some of our key take-aways/thinking points:

We are interested to see what the study on Camp Confidence 2022 will tell us!