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Social workers offer a  range of support services tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals and families. They work together with an individual and/or with families to establish a space where everyone feels safe to actively work through developing skills and tools together. 

Here are some examples of the areas where Social Workers may be able to play a role in working with individuals or families:

  • Skill building: Social workers focus on building relationships with individuals, families and groups, dedicating time to understand their circumstances comprehensively, including their strengths and areas requiring assistance
    The overarching goal of counselling is to address and resolve particular issues, facilitate decision-making, navigate crises, process emotions, and enhance interpersonal relationships. Building self esteem, empowering choice and tools for self care and well-being are some other examples of other skills social workers can play a role in helping to develop. 
  • Care Management: Practical strategies and techniques to tackle specific challenges and overcome obstacles affecting individuals or families. Including matching individuals and families with support services available in their community. For example, community organisations, government agencies, or other service providers.
  • Advocacy and Support: Advocating for individuals and families, addressing systemic and structural factors. Social workers may accompany individuals or families to service appointments and school meetings, represent their interests, and provide support as needed.
  • Safety and well-being: Working with children, their siblings and/or family together to help everyone to feel safe in their space, working together to learn what helps and what doesn’t to support mental health and well-being. This may include developing and refining safety plans and plans to work towards enhancing well-being at a family and individual level. 
  • Developing and maintaining relationships: Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships and boundaries with others.
  • Developing self reflection skills: including for relationships, problem solving and regulation 
  • Problem solving through tough times together: For example, working with each other to problem solve, support well-being, build in supporting factors- people, groups and organisations that may be able to reduce stress.

Social Work Sessions

Please get in touch with us to chat through options for how social work may fit with your individual family and child’s goals.
Here are a few examples of what social work sessions could look like:

Work with individuals:
1:1 sessions for individualised skill development. This may include things like safety planning; developing well-being and regulation supports; working on maintaining and building relationships with others; and skills for self reflection and problem solving.


We have some groups in the making, please keep an eye out in our newsletter to find out more!
Groups may include working with young people or their families on developing skills for their well-being and regulation; relationships and self confidence and self esteem.

Work with caregivers:
Work with caregivers and families towards all members of the family feeling safe and supported. This may include linking with other organisations, professionals and members in the community; safety planning and working with parents on their own well-being and support networks.

Work with siblings:
Skill building and collaborative work with siblings to support their well-being, regulation and needs within the family. This may also include work together around building and maintaining relationships between siblings, organisation and problem solving challenging times together.

Funding Information

  • NDIS Capacity Building
  • Coming Soon! Better Access to Mental Health- Medicare GP Mental Health plans
  • Private health
  • Private
For more information on funding please click here

Where to Next?

  • If you have any questions about social work and if working with a social worker could be a good fit for you and/or your family please call us or send us an email to chat more 
  • Keen to book an initial appointment? Please complete an intake form (click here to access our intake form) and Ruby, our social worker will call to chat more and book in.
  • At this intake call with Ruby, if social work is something that can play a role in your team, an initial appointment will be booked in. Initial appointments are usually held at our HQ in Piara Waters.
  • Before the initial appointment we will send a Service Agreement to NDIS participants. For individuals using Medicare plans, we will check we have a copy of this Medicare plan from your GP.
  • New to working with the Calm and Connected team? We will send a pre-questionnaire to complete before the first appointment with Ruby. Individuals working with our team currently do not need to complete another pre-questionnaire web form.
  • At the initial appointment Ruby will start to get to know you, discuss goals and roles and plans for subsequent sessions and a location for these (such as at HQ, your home or in the community) if this is part of your plan (sometimes a one off appointment is all that is needed for now)

ABout Ruby

Ruby Pettit is a social worker with experience working in a range of backgrounds, including within schools and community based services. Click here to read more about Ruby and her work as a Social Worker


Resources and links

Coming soon!