10 Tips For Getting Into A Calm And Alert State

The big question, ‘How can I get my child to be calm so that they can participate in what home/school/community life?’. So many children find it difficult to even know what calm feels like, let along how they can calm themselves down when they are feeling angry, anxious or over silly.We need to be in that ‘just right’ zone so that we can concentrate, listen, make friends and look after ourselves. Many kids feel or are:

  • overwhelmed
  • have meltdowns, outbursts
  • triggered by emotions, people, sensory input etc (or no pattern at all!)
  • have difficulty trying new things or wanting to be involved
  • be impulsive, controlling, or obsessive
  • can be physically aggressive
  • withdrawn or zoning out



This video series delves into each of the steps that need to be considered when supporting a child to be in the calm and alert state. We delve into what you need to understand about ‘feeling calm’ and then talk through some of our top strategies for getting kids into that calm state.

We recommend that you also watch the video series ‘5 ways to understand behaviour’.


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10 Tips For Getting Into A Calm And Alert State