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Jay Bell

Occupational Therapist


Jay grew up in Perth, completing a degree in occupational therapy at Curtin University in 2020.
Jay has lived experience as a client of occupational therapy, which spurred their passion from a young age to pursue occupational therapy. They completed their final placement at Calm and Connected, falling in love with the paediatric sphere and working with families.
After graduating, Jay moved to Melbourne for the year 2021 to work in a small paediatric clinic – but couldn’t resist coming back to the place where it all started. By 2022 Jay was once again working in the Calm and Connected team.

JayWebsite photo


Jay believes in enabling families, children, caretakers, and clients from all walks of life to achieve their goals. No matter someone’s background, past or future, they deserve a fulfilling life; that’s what Jay is here to help them succeed.
Jay has a passion for mental health, the LGBTQIA+ community and neurodevelopmental treatment. For those young and older, Jay brings a holistic, empowering approach for clients to flourish. Jay works in various settings that suit the client’s goals, such as home, school, universities, or communities. Self-regulation skills, cognitive training, sensory diets, mental health, play-based therapy and a collaborative approach are just some of the skills in Jay’s therapy process.


  • Graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy) Hons. In 2020
  • Published Research in Advances in Mental Health
  • Part of the LGBTQIA+ Community
  • Lived Experience of Occupational Therapy